Is there a class for that?

Last night I was working on my mystery sock and had to tink a row.Somehow I dropped a stitch and didn't notice it right away.By the time I did notice it there was a huge hole in my pretty sock and I couldn't fix it.I tried to pull back to where I originally dropped the stitch,but couldn't get the stitches back on the needle and ended up frogging the hole sock.I was so irritated with that sock that I started a plain one.I'll post a picture later.I have too much going on right now in my house to attempt anything complicated.My daughter and her two little ones are staying with us until they can find a place and there is never a quiet moment to concentrate.That is my story and I am sticking with it.Want to see a picture of my distraction? This is her first time in the walker and she loved it.She is only four months old and had to be propped with a blanket to keep her upright in it.She can't make it go,but she sure enjoyed the toys on it.I guess they looked good enough to eat.Isn't she a cutie? She really is a sweet baby.Her brother is 3 years old and never still or quiet for a moment,typical little boy.